Kristin Yannetti, CYT

After years of intense physical activity, including running numerous ultra-marathons and an ironman triathlon, Kristin was drawn to yoga hoping to find a way to minimize the toll countless miles had taken on her physical body. She discovered that yoga filled a spiritual void she never knew was missing throughout all her years of exercise. What started as merely a complement to her training has become a passion, enriching all areas of her life.

Looking to deepen her practice, she completed a 200-hour RYT teacher training with Tricia Philpott. Going forward Kristin hopes to be a steady influence in guiding others in their own journey through the warm and patient style that is the hallmark of her classes. 

β€œIn my young but enlightening journey, the effects of yoga have been both unexpected and profound. It has aided in clearing my mind, and more importantly, helped me to focus on tasks at hand. I am now able to live more in the moment in this world of countless distractions.”