Jenny Stevens, RYT

Jenny began her journey with yoga in 2014, during a transitional and challenging time in her life. As an athlete for many years on the soccer field and dance floor, she found the practice of Power Yoga to provide the strengthening and conditioning she craved. She had no idea, however, just how deeply she would love the integration of the body, mind and heart within the practice. Here, she found healing, joy, stillness and expression of her innermost self. 

Jenny has studied Secondary Education, History, and Religion/Spirituality during her undergrad and graduate education. Vocationally, she is a licensed massage therapist and brings her knowledge of anatomy and her experience of working with the body onto the yoga mat. In 2020, Jenny finished her 200-hour yoga teacher training with Tricia Philpott.  

Jenny is mother to twin eleven-year-old boys.She enjoys writing about holistic health, spirituality, mothering and the adoption of her Ethiopian born sons. Jenny still dances.