Carol Oxford, CYT

Carol began her yoga journey fifteen years ago to challenge herself physically and to simply try out a new form of exercise. But after just a few sessions, she was hooked. She quickly fell in love with the way she felt after each yoga practice.  Carol began to experience the body, mind, and soul connection each time she stepped on her mat.  The magic of yoga continued to transform Carol’s life in more ways than one.

Since adopting yoga as a part of her regular lifestyle, practicing yoga/meditation has helped Carol alleviate many stresses that come her way.  Mindfulness and self-awareness are key attributes to her spiritual growth.  She loves one of Dalai Lama’s quotes; He said, “There are only 2 days in the year that nothing can be done.  One is called Yesterday and the other is called Tomorrow, so Today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.” 

Carol completed two 200-hour teacher trainings with Tricia Philpott at Empower Yoga studio in Beverly. She also completed Power of Awareness training with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.  When Carol is not practicing or teaching yoga, she thoroughly enjoys hiking, biking, and long walks on the beach… her love of nature and the outdoors. 

To contact Carol, please feel free to email her at